Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Khimari Spear

Well whadya know! I seem to be in the mood for cosplay this week. I started another project i'll be doing alongside the Amodar Pauldrons. Khimari's spear from Final Fantasy X! Guess I'm just on a Final Fantasy fix right now. If you don't know the spear it's the one in the picture right here:

I made the design out on my computer and printed it out. I made some cardboard copies and have the base shape cut-out on some pink insulation foam. From here I'll sand it down into the right shape.

Okay so here it is lined up with what I'm using for the handle. Just eye-balling it to make sure it looks fine so far.

From here I attached both of the cardboard copies I made from my design I printed out and cut. These cardboard shapes will act as guard rails when I sand so that the outermost parts of the shape don't accidentally get angled.

You can see here I've done some sanding down towards the bit that connects to the staff. The cardboard guides help immensely when sanding.

Not much to say here. Just some more SANDAN. Just showing you how its coming along so far. Should be done sanding after the next round.

Alright! Finished the SANDAN process!

And finally I get to open my christmas present up, see how it came out, and eyeball it up again against the handle of the lancet. Alright, I'm happy with this so far! Now comes the tricky part of getting in all those nice angles in the blades.

More updates as they become available!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Amodar's Pauldrons

Alright, so I'm putting my other projects on hold for time being and focusing all my attention onto this new one. I'm going to be making Amodar's pauldrons from Final Fantasy XIII. They're pretty much the same as Lightning's but he has two and they shine an orange color instead of yellow. Here is a reference picture of what he looks like. The pauldrons are the things on his shoulder.

So, here's my current progress. I've created a block of pink insulation foam out of foam and foam glue. Innovative, I know. I'm going to sand this block of foam into the desired shape then paper mache it and use it as a positive mold to create the main body of my pauldrons. The book is being used as a weight to keep pressure on the stack as the glue dries since it takes about 5 minutes to cure and 24 hours to harden completely. Also take note of my astounding choice of beverages.

More updates as they become available!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hey everyone! Lifela here. I just wanted to put this post out for my followers (all 4 of you) to let you know I am alive and I am still working on projects. Schools been kicking my ass and I've been really busy but I just wanted to let you guys know I am going to be updating this blog and that I AM still working on some projects. I'll try and whip something up sometime in the coming weeks to give you something. Thanks for sticking around.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Plasma Cutter (Dead Space for Otakon 2010)

For Otakon 2010 I've already started construction on an Isaac Clarke costume that's going to consist of a Isaac Clarke level 4 suit and a level 3 helmet (the helmet and suit I find most iconic/aesthetically pleasing.). This project has been put on hold to work on the Big O project since Halloween is MUCH closer than Otakon '10.

Plasma Cutter shots during build and current progress:

Big O for Halloween 2009 just for fun

Well, that's Big O...sort of. I'm only putting together Big O's arms for Halloween as I only have roughly 2 months time to put the whole project together. It's gonna be a rush job that's going to take me a lot of hard work to get done on time.

1. Planning - 100%
2. Begin Arm Shields Papercraft (Life size) - 45%
3. Paper Mache
4. Final Touches Arm Shields
5. Tube Arm and Piston
6. Final Touches on Arm and Piston
7. Assembly
8. Paint
9. Last Minue Tweaks
10. Done

~Starting shield papercraft~
-Arm middle shield

What a common pattern looks like after its been printed, cut, and taped together. I printed the patterns out on regular printer paper.

Started the long shield but miscalculated, it'll look similar to this but I need to remake the part completely.

Here's the same part with the tail bit re-calculated and fitting perfectly now. Moving on to the small shield and bolts.

Alright, so now that I'm back in action I'm going to be picking this project back up form where I left off. More pictures and updates as I continued to get progress on this done!